





"The hard work we put in to be the best in what we do has so far been rewarding. There are of course times where that is not the case. however with the strength from our love of music, the constant support of fans, family and friends, we are able to overcome any hardships. We believe that the hardships we experience help us to persevere and ultimately mold our characters to be more mature. As we mature as individuals, our music will also mature, and as our music matures, we hope that it can bring hope and strength to others."

That is the philosophy of JYJ, comprised of three members from South Korea: Kim JaeJung, Park Yuchun and Kim Junsu. JYJ is releasing its new global debut album The Beginning (Atlantic Records) on November 28 in the U.S. The title of the album is synonymous with their journey to date and marks a first for the group to release an English language album. 

JYJ was originally from the boy band TVXQ, and Tohoshinki which was formed in 2003 in Korea. JYJ is arguably the biggest boy band Internationally, evidenced by the trio making it into the Guinness Book Records in 2008 and 2009 for having the World's Largest Official Fan Club at over 800,000 members in Seoul alone and being The Most Photographed Celebrities in the World shot an estimated 500 million times in magazines, albums jackets, and commercials from the time of their debut in 2003 to May 19, 2009 with their former group.

JYJ has teamed up with A-list US producers Kanye West and Rodney Jerkins for The Beginning JYJ's musical style consists of many genres such as pop, R&B and dance; they are also known for singing a cappella. Besides the catchy first single by Kanye West, The Beginning also sees original compositions by top music producer Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins. The two tracks are "Empty" and "Be My Girl". "I'm really glad to work with JYJ on their debut album. It's all about the East meeting the West these days and the world is becoming a melting pot of various cultures. To have Kanye and myself champion the cause of unifying the world through the international language of music and introducing top artistes from one end of the globe to this end in America makes this a very special project to us" adds Rodney Jerkins. 

How did JYJ hook up with West and Jerkins? "Our Korean producer has connections with them in the US and thought it would be a great idea tor JYJ to collaborate with them. So a few calls were made and we were thrilled to find out that the feeling of wanting to work together was a mutual one!" 

About working with such luminaries as West and Jerkins, JYJ says, "It was a great new experience that we are really privileged to have. We felt the pressure of working with such superstars initially, but our anxieties were allayed when Kanye/Rodney showed us great support. We were able to have a really good time working with them and exchanging ideas about music with one another." 

According to JYJ band member Kim JaeJung, "Being a singer was a dream of mine since I was in middle school." For Kim Junsu, it was even earlier. "I wanted to be a singer since I was in elementary school." The whole band agrees on their motivation to create music as a career: "We all want to always be real and true to who we are and what we do, and to always do our best. We choose honor over money and fame." 

"We constantly listen to many genres of music in order to help in being better singers, composers, musicians, and we are inspired by many artists; from rock to R&B to acapella to piano pieces." Some of their musical influences/heroes include Brian McKnight, Boyz II Men, Stevie Wonder, and of course Michael Jackson. 

JYJ has just recently started writing songs in English, which is not their first language. According to Kim Jae Jong, "There is pressure as we are not native English speakers, but we are not daunted by it. We hope our music can cut across the language barrier and still deliver our message." Adds Park Yuchun, "I think it is liberating to be able to express our music in English, if it is acceptable to our fans. I hope this will help bring our music to more people around the world and bring us closer to those who like our music." 

"Being able to perform in a more widely known language is really wonderful as we are now able to reach out and connect with more fans with my music," says Kim Junsu. "There is also a deeper connection with existing English speaking fans who are familiar with our Korean and Japanese music." 

To those who have not yet heard JYJ? "Prepare to be surprised," advises JYJ. "Just relax and leave any pre-conceived ideas about Korean artistes/Asian pop aside and listen to us with an open heart." 




1. Intro ( Composed by S.Tiger)
2. Ayyy Girl_Feat. Kanye West / M. Yusef (Composed by Kanye West, K. Hamler, P. Phenom, M. Yusef, Jae Chong / Lyrics by K. Hamler, P. Phenom, M. Yusef)
3. Empty (Composed by Rodney Jerkins / Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler, L. Daniels, T. Parker)
4. Be My Girl (Composed by Rodney Jerkins / Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler, L. Daniels, T. Parker)
5. Still in Love (Composed by Hero Jae-joong / Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler)
6. I Love You_Feat. Flowsik (Composed by Micky Yu-cheon / Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler) 
7. I Can Soar (Composed by Xiah Jun-su / Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler)
8. Be The One (Composed by Jae Chong / Lyrics by Jae Chong, Terry Shorter, Kyoko Hamler)
9. Ayy Girl_ S. Tiger Remix
10. Empty_DJ EON Remix
11. Be My Girl_DJ EON Remix 


Bangkok Impact Challenger 15th October
Malaysia TBC 17th October
Hong Kong Asia World 24th October
Taipei Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 30th October
Shanghai Grand Stage 7th November
New York Hammerstein 12th November
Seattle WAMU THEATER 13th November
San Francisco Bill Graham Auditorium 14th November
L.A Shrine Auditorium 19th November






10/12(二) 最新專輯『全新啟點』(THE BEGINNING) 全球同步發行


10/30(六)於台北南港展覽館舉辦【JYJ 全新啟點 SHOWCASE 2010】




全世界樂壇即將掀起韓流熱潮新風暴!【東方神起】的三名成員英雄在中、秘奇有天,以及細亞俊秀,在歷經了合約風波之後,確定與華納音樂正式簽約,以【JYJ】作為全新團名,放眼全球樂壇,將於10/12(二)發行最新專輯『全新啟點』 (THE BEGINNING),專輯請來當紅藝人兼製作人、葛萊美獎得主肯伊威斯特(Kanye West )與曾製作過麥可傑克森、碧昂絲、女神卡卡專輯的金牌製作人羅德尼傑金(Rodney Jerkins)量身打造,台灣華納也將與全球同步發行!仙后們久等了,暌違兩年【JYJ】(英雄在中、秘奇有天、細亞俊秀)即將造訪台灣,並於10/30(六)於台北南港展覽館舉辦【JYJ 全新啟點 SHOWCASE 2010】全球巡迴演出。票價從1,500元到3,600元共4種,門票將於10/8(五)於華納購物網限時限量首賣,10/9(六)起於全省大眾玫瑰各端點開始售票。 


【JYJ】(英雄在中、秘奇有天、細亞俊秀) 創記錄無能人敵!





在歷經合約糾紛之後,英雄在中、秘奇有天、細亞俊秀以【JYJ】之名再度出發,如今確定加盟華納音樂,拓展全球音樂市場。華納音樂傾全力精心策劃了最新專輯,特地請出金牌製作人肯伊威斯特以及曾經製作過麥可傑克森專輯,並與女神卡卡(Lady GaGa)合作過的大牌製作人羅德尼傑金來量身打造,專輯共收錄了7首新歌,其中包含了三位團員各自創作歌詞的作品,更加收了3首不同混音版本。最新專輯『全新啟點』(THE BEGINNING) 將於10/12(二)起全球同步發行,全球認證鑲有流水編號的限量版CD,總共只有99,999套,仙后歌迷們手腳要快才搶的到。


 再訪台灣!10/30(六) 台北南港展覽館【JYJ全新啟點 SHOWCASE 2010】


為了『全新啟點』、全新出發,以及宣傳最新專輯,【JYJ】(英雄在中、秘奇有天、細亞俊秀)也將同步展開【JYJ 全新啟點 SHOWCASE 2010】全球巡迴演出。台灣場已經確定將於10/30(六),於台北南港展覽館舉辦;票價共有3,600元、3,000元、2,500元,以及1,500元等四種,預計可容納5,000個座位。凡購買門票的歌迷就送【JYJ】(英雄在中、秘奇有天、細亞俊秀) 最新造型紀念海報一張!


  • 10/8 (五) 中午十二點到10/9 (六)上午十點為止,華納購物網(,限量900張「官網會員專屬」線上首賣
  • 10/9 (六) 中午十二點,大眾玫瑰21個端點同步開賣













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